Mitten Kidz – Save Money by buying snow gear now for next winter
Calling all gear hounds. Just because winter is over it doesn’t mean you can’t still shop for it. Now is the perfect time to buy your MittenKidz their next winter’s outdoor wear and score some savings!
Most retail stores have already changed over to summer – but comb their sale racks in the back for winter wear on sale. (We just saved 40% with a find at Michigan-based Boyne Country Sports.)
Or, check out online retailers. Two of my favorite go-tos for toddlers and kids – and REI. Michigan-based Moosejaw is excellent, too – and I really love their corporate culture. Might just have to find a little something for myself…
Where’s your favorite place to shop for winter wear?
Visit Mitten Kidz Website >>>>
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Joan O’Neill is a member of North America Snowsports Journalists Association and the author of the blog, A 20-year veteran of the Michigan ski business, O’Neill has taught and toted kids of all ages about various Michigan ski areas and resorts and provides a weekly Michigan ski report to several radio stations across the state on the Michigan Talk Network’s Michigan Morning Show. A big proponent of getting out and having fun in Michigan, no matter what the season, O’Neill herself started skiing with her family at the age of five, and has had her oldest son on skis since 19 months. Son number two, just over a year, will soon be on his way, she says.