Wolverine Nordic Ski Club – Ironwood, MI
Wolverine Nordic is a non-profit, tax-exempt organization with the mission to preserve and promote nordic skiing, snowshoeing, hiking, biking and lifelong physical fitness on the Gogebic Range of the Western Upper Peninsula of Michigan and Northeastern Wisconsin.
WOLVERINE NORDIC SKI CLUB volunteers maintain and groom the trail system which consists of 8 trails that provide 25 kilometers of both skate skiing and track-set skiing. The rolling terrain provides trails for all levels of skiing from expert to novice. Club News
LAKE EFFECT SNOW provides us with snow that tends to arrive earlier, pile deeper and last longer than anywhere else in the Midwest. Conditions.
THE SUGGESTED TRAIL DONATION is $10.00 a day. Donation boxes are located at all trail heads and in the chalet. The donations are used to make payments on the loan for our Piston Bully, trail grooming fuel expenses, and to improve and maintain equipment and facilities. A season pass/membership is available. To become a season pass holder please fill out the form and return it to the address listed. Membership
THE WARMING CHALET/SHELTER IS OPEN! Cookies, hot chocolate and soda is available. The chalet is open from 8:00am until 6:00pm during the ski season. Directions<>
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